Na konkurs se mogu prijaviti profesionalna pozorišta i trupe koja u svojoj produkciji imaju predstave za djecu i mlade. Osnovni kriterijum za selekciju predstava je njihov umjetnički kvalitet. O kvalitetu predstava koje konkurišu za zvaničnu selekciju odlučuje Umjetnički odbor Festivala.
Uslov za učešće u Programskom segmentu KFPD jeste da predstava nije ranije izvođena u Kotoru. Uslovi gostovanja (troškovi transporta, ishrana, smještaj, honorar za izvođenje) dogovaraju se nakon selekcije sa organizatorima Festivala. Prijava je potpuna kada se ispuni formular i pošalje snimak predstave. Podaci traženi u formularu su potrebni radi selekcije programa, kao i za potrebe izrade kataloga Festivala. Priloženi materijali ostaju u arhivi Festivala.
Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je 8. april 2024.
Rezultati selekcije biće objavljeni na sajtu Festivala 15 dana nakon zatvaranja prijava.
Neblagovremeno poslate ili nepotpune prijave neće biti uzete u razmatranje.
Prijave slati ISKLJUČIVO putem formulara na linku ispod.
Za dodatna pitanja i pojašnjenja, možete nam se obratiti na [email protected]
Professional theatre and troupes that have plays for children and youth in their production can apply for the competition. The basic criterion for the selection of plays is their artistic quality. The artistic committee of the Festival decides on the quality of plays applying for the official selection.
The condition for participation in the KFPD program segment is that the play hasn’t been performed in Kotor before.
The terms of hosting (transportation costs, food, accommodation and performance fee) will be arranged, after the selection, with the Festival organizers.
The application is complete when the form is filled out and a recording of the play is sent. The information requested in the form is required for the selection of the program, as well as for the production of the Festival catalogue. The attached materials remain in the Festival archive.
The deadline for submitting applications is April 8th, 2024.
The results of the selection will be published on the Festival's website 15 days after the registration deadline.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Send applications exclusively via the form on the link below.
All additional questions may be submitted to: festival[email protected]